The ex army general one ? who needed your help

to transfer his money outside of nigeria and who would offer so much money for your help but need 200usd transfer fee first ?

7 ответов

14 просмотров

😂👍 No that one who offered me unbelievable staking rewards, just had to connect my defi wallet with a website he sendet me and later give him a code, but I was to dumb to to this and I called him for help And then I talked with him like a friend and he talked like an african, then I said I know where are you from and what are you doing! Immediately let everything stand as it is and find yourself a job where you make clean money, good bye nigerian 😂

YaMaN- Автор вопроса
😂👍 No that one who offered me unbelievable staking...

if i were you, i would push it. i would try to adopt the nigerian guy and bring him to my own land. offer him a decent job with a good salary. i would promise to find a beautiful girl for him to marry. and i would tell him that i just need a transfer fee of 200 usdt first.

YaMaN- Автор вопроса
My man 👍👍😂😂

here is another alternative sample conversation: "i dont know who you are, i dont know what you want, if you are looking for ransom, i can tell i dont have money, but what i do have a very particular set of skills... skills i have acquired of a very long carier, skills that make me a dream for people like you. if you send me the 200usdt transfer fee now, that would be the end of it, i will not look for you, will not pursue you. But if you dont, i will look for you. i will find you, and i will scam you."

YaMaN- Автор вопроса

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