⚠️ Has your crypto.com account been compromised? ⚠️

If so, please contact NetoCDC for further assistance with your issue 👮‍♀️ ⛔️ STAFF WILL NEVER CONTACT YOU FIRST! ⛔️

5 ответов

46 просмотров

This message is repeated often. Who would want to use crypto.com when they are constantly asked if your account has been compromised? Is crypto.com secure? If they mean if you have fallen for a scam, then they should say so because it makes me want to go elsewhere.

Crypto.com FAQ Bot- Автор вопроса
This message is repeated often. Who would want to ...

⬢ Security First. Always. Building Trust is the cornerstone of Crypto.com’s commitment to customers; security and data privacy are the foundations of achieving mainstream cryptocurrency adoption ⭐️ What makes us stand out: » 100% of crypto balances are held offline in cold storage » We are leveraging Ledger Vault technology. » Our cryptocurrency insurance totals $750M » Fiat balances are held in custodian bank accounts » We are leveraging all the power of the Amazon Web Services » We have full-time staff to oversee the quality & logic of the code » Our code is peer-reviewed Read more about our security standards, internal controls, certifications & assessments here.

Great! 👍👍👍👍👍 You should modify the wording of that though.

Great! 👍👍👍👍👍 You should modify the wording of that...

They review regularly. The company was founded initially by the 4 founders who had business experience / compliance in the Asian/Australasian market not straight into crypto as developers being their only skill set. This has historically formulated their approach. Hence why “compliance is their core competency” and why they are still here today.

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