Hey! I created a new bot I want to

get an ID, but my bot does not respond to commands, what should I do?

5 ответов

3 просмотра

have you programmed the bot to respond to commands?

)- Автор вопроса
Chase helluva noodlebirb
have you programmed the bot to respond to commands...

No, I did everything according to the instructions that came with the module "Open cart notifications in telegram"

)- Автор вопроса
Chase helluva noodlebirb
have you programmed the bot to respond to commands...

I entered the API in the module settings. But the bot still doesn't respond

No, I did everything according to the instructions...

Please take a look at the pinned message. The bot itself will not do anything on its own. You have to have some code running to reply to the messages the bot receives

)- Автор вопроса
Chase helluva noodlebirb
Please take a look at the pinned message. The bot ...

Thank you! I figured it out. It turns out you need to find out your ID through the showmeid bot. And the site will start sending notifications through the created bot to the specified IDs

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