I can't withdraw money from the exchange, they tell me

to pay tax, but I don't have any money, what should I do?

13 ответов

66 просмотров

If you withdraw money you have money 😂

Сергей-Парфёнов Автор вопроса
Matteo ✋🏻💎✋🏻
If you withdraw money you have money 😂

I wanted to withdraw money so that I would have it, but my account was frozen, explaining that my earnings weighed 100% of the amount originally deposited.

Сергей-Парфёнов Автор вопроса
Сергей-Парфёнов Автор вопроса
Matteo ✋🏻💎✋🏻
Crypto.com is no more in Russia i think

Yes, but I invest with the help of my Chinese girlfriend

Сергей-Парфёнов Автор вопроса

Tell me who can help me unfreeze my account to pay taxes and withdraw part of the money in the future

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