And why not listing usdt ppt on lend? instead erc


11 ответов

23 просмотра

no liquidity ? maybe

WFN | WavesFunnyNode
no liquidity ? maybe

and i personally prefer erc20 version that 1 token wrap 10 stables

Ali Kara-~ (@karmenali) Автор вопроса
WFN | WavesFunnyNode
and i personally prefer erc20 version that 1 token...

Never use erc20 even if you are rich it doesn't make sense to pay such a high fee

Ali Kara-~ (@karmenali) Автор вопроса
Ali Kara-~ (@karmenali) Автор вопроса
WFN | WavesFunnyNode

Binance, poly chain based tokens

Ali Kara ~ (@karmenali)
Binance, poly chain based tokens

Well the thing is in Puzzle Lend any listed token has to be possible to liquidate, and for liquidation we need onchain liquidity

Ali Kara ~ (@karmenali)
Binance, poly chain based tokens

I mean need some ideas to bring liquidity Like: show difference from other exchanges or events Not just simple listing that for lend is risky because of low liquidity and manipulation

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