8 ответов

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🇸🇦::KAU::Awiteb- Автор вопроса

I remember you mentioned the idea, can you give me a link to how to use it? @Muaath_5

You mean delete messages updates? Or method? And in which language?

🇸🇦::KAU::Awiteb- Автор вопроса

yes update, python

I think you're using python-telegram, Right?

🇸🇦::KAU::Awiteb- Автор вопроса


So, Use it like this: client = Telegram(api_id=123, api_hash='aa4564324c4bcd') def messages_deleted(update): # Do whatever you want here.. # This is the important client.add_update_handler('updateDeleteMessages', messages_deleted)

The important is last line

🇸🇦::KAU::Awiteb- Автор вопроса


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