working fine. But the first time the game is launched, it warns the user with a little message, that his username (and phone) will be available to the bot. I don't use their username, nor phone, nor location. I just use their uniq ID. And I'm afraid this little message will scare them off from launching the game.
I've tried to look for a command in botfather to disable this little message, but nothing.
This is how the communication goes for me:
- I receive a /start message, and reply with /sendGame
- Then I receive a CallbackQuery, and I reply with a answerCallbackQuery containing the url game.
- And the game is about to start, when there is this little message saying to the user, that he will be sending his username and location to my game. And he has to choose between "cancel" or "ok".
- if the user clicks "ok" the game starts and works fine. But again, that little message might scare off some of my users from launching the game
Is there a way to only have to deal with user ID, and not have this little warning at the begining of the game ?
no, there is no way to go around it
ok, thank you
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