Hi everyone, Do you know why my bot suddenly stoped working?

I have the same bot, one is deployed and the other is for developpement. Both doesn't work. The version deployed have not been upgrade since 1 week (and worked before today).

10 ответов

10 просмотров

are you using official bot api server or your own one?

Ndrew-Nogent Автор вопроса

I’ve developped from scratch in PHP and interact by webhook

Do you collect your server or bot logs ?

Ndrew-Nogent Автор вопроса


check theme as soon as possible

Ndrew-Nogent Автор вопроса


Its on you ! Just implement ways to generate and save your bot logs

pay attention you are giving a big picture of a problem. There can be any problem. take a sought advice from some one who is expert in deploying php written bots.

Ndrew-Nogent Автор вопроса

I need to think to this

Ndrew-Nogent Автор вопроса

Yes it’s very large because there is not circomstances for this problem

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