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This chat is for bot development only. Keep it on topic please. • How to create your first bot? Read this handy tutorial • If you are searching for bots: @BotListChat, @BotsA...
Hello, I wrote a bot in bash. Is it normal for it not to work stably?😁
WHAT error in this - <?php // Your bot token $botToken = '692779Et_e91Q97jP5gbjDhD0apKU30I'; // Your webhook URL $webhookUrl = 'https://ttrsop.live/Autokicker.php'; // Set t...
<?php // Replace YOUR_BOT_TOKEN with your bot token obtained from BotFather define('BOT_TOKEN', '6919487998:AAGjmm3yfEwFbJ03ZpkiayFdlKcxMzo8fYI'); // Define the base URL for ...
Is there a bot that can delete ads in bots?
I changed a music's tags with python, I added photo also, In windows everything is fine.. But when Bot send that music to a channel, cover of the music doesn't show and it h...
Hi, is it better to connect via webhooks or mtproto?
I need to develop a supply and demand robot, who can help me develop it? With rewards
Hello guys, is it possible to increase message limits?
Can anyone help me to read SMS messages on my Telegram bot?
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