send a copy of any message to all my bot users, so not to play around with adding if(-s) for each possible message content type I decided to use copyMessage method. And (I hope) it works just fine, but I first tried to send a media group message (in my example - two images, one with caption). My bot gets only one of the two to a function (since I use ForceReply and a reply handler), and it's the one with caption (in my case), so after using copyMessage I receive only one message - first photo with it's caption.
I'm not really found of this, because I don't see any easy way for me to handle both (or any number of photos more than one for that matter) photos.
So here is a question:
Is it possible to send media group using media_group_id?
I didn't find it in API site and my library (which is pyTelegramBotAPI) can't handle it too (at least copyMessage doesn't care for a group media)
Thanks for your attention. Hope my question is clear.
Sad. Thanks for reply.
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