telegram is always waiting for it to finish before sending the next. My script is sleeping for a few seconds before deleting a message so this slows the bot down horribly.
I used to return a 200 to telegram early and continue working the script but since 2 days ago it stopped working and made telegram re-send that webhook indefinitely.
I thought the max_connections parameter to setWebhook allowed parralel calls, but it doesn't...
Anyone know what headers telegram is expecting now? I can't figure out what they need after it stopped working.
your script's sleep is blocking the response process, which is not a good design
Which is why I used to return a success response to telegram so that it can just continue working in background, but that's not working anymore and there's nothing about it in any changelogs.
you should check your webserver settings, maybe you are allowing only 1 PHP process at a time
No, nothing. Telegram only tries sending that one hook. Only once it finished it sends the next
also: what does ab say?
i'll benchmark rq
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