Hi, According to this, I am not receiving Users Join

Update in Groups Larger than 10k members, I am also not receiving any other updates from telegram related to "chat_member" when a user joins the group ! so whats the solution ? My Bot is admin in the group and has to detect User Joins to invoke a captcha

12 ответов

23 просмотра

but they said chat_member is alter for this, are you sure you are not getting any update on users joining ??

Erfan- Автор вопроса

Why telegram is ruining everything It was used to work before when it was completely free Now it is launching ads, and removing stuffs !

Erfan- Автор вопроса
Yes I receive no update when a user joins group > ...

Just show the captcha on their first message?

Erfan- Автор вопроса
句_句 ꪜ-꠹ꪖꪗ
but they said chat_member is alter for this, are y...

My guess is that they just collect multiple join events, and push it to the bot at once as array or ... I want to receive update on join, not a time later

Why telegram is ruining everything It was used to ...

Ads here? There is something weird with your phone...

Erfan- Автор вопроса
Jaap / Nox 🇳🇱
Just show the captcha on their first message?

That's not the solution, I'm not gonna check on every single update that "If this is the user's first message or not"

Frank David
Ads here? There is something weird with your phone...

Telegram announced (a year ago or so) that they might start showing ads in channels in the future (not in chats or anywhere else). So far there hasn't been an update on that.

That's not the solution, I'm not gonna check on ev...

Seems very easy; just have an array of userid's in memory of known members. If not in the list it's new. A very basic and quick check.

Erfan- Автор вопроса
Jaap / Nox 🇳🇱
Seems very easy; just have an array of userid's in...

It's for large groups At least 10k members, around 100k messages daily

Erfan- Автор вопроса

User IDs are not 8bit integers, they are now 64bit

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