Is there anyway to prevent a bot that is admin

in group from receiving all the updates ? to only receive messages starting with slash ?

This is called Privacy Mode and is enabled by default, but not in groups that bot is admin, I wan't to apply privacy mode to all the groups, not just the groups that bot is not admin

13 ответов

22 просмотра


Erfan- Автор вопроса
Saurav ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I'm not asking : how to handle only messages starting with slash I'm asking : how to prevent the update from coming

Erfan- Автор вопроса

I have 3 bots in a group and they are all admins, they have webhooks each and with each message in the group, I receive 3 updates 😐, One bot needs all updates, but the other 2 are meant for other things, they don't handle anything in group, they just pin or etc, but they do receive all the updates, this is using my servers resources x3

I have 3 bots in a group and they are all admins, ...

I think you can do return without processing the update right? 🤔🤔

Erfan- Автор вопроса
Shrimadhav U K
I think you can do return without processing the u...

I surely can, and I'm actually doing it, the thing is I don't need x3 requests on my Webserver

I'm not asking : how to handle only messages start...

you cannot prevent the update from coming, as far as I know. There is allowed_updates in the setWebhook parameters, but I don't think it does what you are expecting right now.

Erfan- Автор вопроса
Shrimadhav U K
you cannot prevent the update from coming, as far ...

It applies global rules, I can disable message update, but then I lose all the message updates even in private chat

I surely can, and I'm actually doing it, the thing...

just dont send that data on websocket then, it is not about bot api at all

Erfan- Автор вопроса
ignorant [ she/her ]
just skip the update?

It sends request anyway, and Webserver is used x3 anyway

Erfan- Автор вопроса

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