Hi, ❓ Unable to editMessageCaption / ReplyMarkup for a single photo message,

with bot as admin and access to messages, what could be the reason, in a Public Channel (with content saving resteiction)??


For earlier old and even recent, even <24 hr messages. However I can edit via bot sendMessage texts, only.

29 ответов

15 просмотров

I think you passed wrong message id to editMessageCaption try copy post link in the end of url you can see msg id of that and pass it

I think you passed wrong message id to editMessage...

I did that..but not working for specific msgs Copy link 🔗 from 📡 t.me/my channel/5341 (5341 message_id) + One more thing Another bot already edited that message to attach buttons.

°◯◌◎• 𝕂APIL कपिल •◎◌◯° _______________________ ㅤ
I did that..but not working for specific msgs Cop...

I think API bots can find their message from the date of their membership until next messages . Maybey your bot can not find that msg

They can, but from the day they became members to ...

Was that message posted on the channel before the robot joined?

Was that message posted on the channel before the ...

No, and some other may be rejoined bot, I have to recheck again. Does bot having access to messages, setting (via @botfather) has any effect?

He does'nt use link

He does'nt use link

Yes, but I am on webhook so no updates or log of messages

Yes and also editMessageReplyMarkup I believe the other bot, which is automatically adding the buttons to my scheduled or quick posts, is actually catching the updates and sending a copy, and it's message_id differs and my bot does not take that message_id and shows api.telegram.org 400: MESSAGE_ID_INVALID But in channel the message_id should be same for all bots to edit 🤔🤭 I am confused, I believe it worked sometime ago.

Could you please stop advertising your channel here?

°◯◌◎• 𝕂APIL कपिल •◎◌◯° _______________________ ㅤ
Yes and also editMessageReplyMarkup I believe the...

It is easy you have to get the message_id updates of the channel post and pass it to the editmessagereplymarkup method to add that button

It is easy you have to get the message_id updates ...

I am not using any program only http request to editMessageCaption, where can I getUpdates without actually disabling the webhook?

ッ Marshmallow 🎀 ❦ ᵐⁱˢˢ Σ ᶜᵒˡˡᵉᵍⁱᵃⁿ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵍᵃᵐᵉʳ 👱🏻‍♀ 🦋²⁰²²ᵗʰ 🎀 🧞‍♀️×͜×
I'm sorry it's not ad it's all yours posts and use...

But still you are linking to a channel that we aren't able to control. If you want to link a tutorial, please link the pinned message or the contained telegraph post. Constantly referring to your own channel is borderline advertisement.

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