$M = $bot->sendMessage($chat_id, $message = 'Message, "HTML", true, $message_id, $button)->result->message_id; $bot->editMessage($chat_id,

$message_id = $m, $text = "edit");
Hey can someone explain what's mean $m?
And how long can I use the message $m?

15 ответов

4 просмотра

BTW how can i save $message->from->id; Iike this? So the bot only reply to who send the command

- $m is the sent message ID result -> message_id - deleteMessage = 48-24 HOUR - editMessage = unlimited

use database

use database

My bot not for me My friend 0 in programming I'm the best one They don't know how to use SQL or database and I don't want to use them

s0m31 🇷🇺
then use file system

No thank you I will change the code BTW what's the different between functions and libraries?

why won't you just google your question? Library is a set of classes (subprogramms) which has their own methods (aka functions) you can use in your project By the way, your question is even offtopic, as this group is not teaching you how to code but how to make bots

s0m31 🇷🇺
why won't you just google your question? Library i...

This framework vs libraries Not libraries vs functions The reason I'm here is because I lost the files I created last year and rewritten them again Be a little nice

using mongodb, requires zero sql knowledge

Kr🇫🇷🦜 zwan
using mongodb, requires zero sql knowledge

dont rush that quick! Maybe he was thinking about accessing db from client side. Using any of those without backend will be bad idea

Guys $m here When the command is sent again will the variable take the new identifier or will there be an error here?

Thanks look How to make if $data null alert will show? https://t.me/BotTalk/636271

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