Hello , can someone explain how local bot api works

.. does it require a custom tg client ? to be used by bot users ?

16 ответов

6 просмотров

no, it doesn't need anything from users

The local bot api is basically a custom tg client that hosts the http API locally.

𝘼𝙗𝙙𝙤-🧢 Автор вопроса
no, it doesn't need anything from users

this is lil confusing , ain't we supposed to send request to an official tg server ... then that server will send that update to all it's cllient ( ei : my account ) , ... well is my local bot api supposed to get updates from all tg users also ?

Яico X
The local bot api is basically a custom tg client ...

It's the same piece of software that Telegram uses for the public http api

𝘼𝙗𝙙𝙤 🧢
this is lil confusing , ain't we supposed to send...

it will send requests to tg server in the end anyway

𝘼𝙗𝙙𝙤 🧢
this is lil confusing , ain't we supposed to send...


𝘼𝙗𝙙𝙤-🧢 Автор вопроса
it will send requests to tg server in the end anyw...

so api.telegram.org was a medium between tg server and tg bots right ?

𝘼𝙗𝙙𝙤-🧢 Автор вопроса
Яico X

Thanks very much !!

𝘼𝙗𝙙𝙤-🧢 Автор вопроса
Яico X

Why a medium betwenn two application is needed 😅 , why not just send directly to it ?

𝘼𝙗𝙙𝙤 🧢
Why a medium betwenn two application is needed 😅 ,...

Because that "medium" is what makes your account different from a bot account.

𝘼𝙗𝙙𝙤 🧢
Why a medium betwenn two application is needed 😅 ,...

Technically, you can. But working with JSON and API endpoints is much easier than with TypeLanguage requests

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