Are telegram bot api limits intelligent ? or just fixed


Consider that our group is under DOS attack and 1000 users join and leave per second, So our bot has to ban 1000 users per second, but gets rate limited

When Telegram sends us 1000 join updates per second, does it expect 1000 ban requests from our side ? or not ?

20 ответов

25 просмотров
Erfan- Автор вопроса

Currently we have 1 main bot and 10 helper bots to split banning across them, but this is not the solution, I cannot add 11 bots to each group instead of 1 just because telegram only know to dump me 1000 updates and not receive 1000 requests from me

Erfan- Автор вопроса
Currently we have 1 main bot and 10 helper bots to...

This is so crazy, dude you just sent me 1000 updates, then expect 1000 actions from me

Silly Solution

• .autokick <on/off> on - To enable. off - To disable. Automatically kick new joined users from the group. • .cban Enable/Disable autobanning send as channel in used chat. • .addwl <Username> Add Channel to channelban whitelist. • .remwl <Username> Remove Channel from channelban whitelist. • .listwl : List all whitelist channels. Can this help?

Erfan- Автор вопроса

Problem is not their spamming Its their flooded join that cause normal users to leave

do 3 bots

Erfan- Автор вопроса
𝘼𝙗𝙙𝙤 🧢
do 3 bots

Man, I have 11 bots just for this 1 Main bot which receives updates and 10 more to split banning accross them But I just cannot add 11 bots to each group and make them admin

Man, I have 11 bots just for this 1 Main bot which...

another solution and maybe you though about it also .. do a gate keep group before joining the initial group ... where ppl should solve a captcha before getting a join link ..

Problem is not their spamming Its their flooded jo...

you can changing join method to closed one how user must be approved before joining.

Erfan- Автор вопроса
𝘼𝙗𝙙𝙤 🧢
another solution and maybe you though about it als...

We have ~20 groups and all of them are public, and all 11 bots are joined in them and all of the groups have captcha, we do not let anyone to chat before solving captcha but we also do have a DDOS mode which gets activated if > 100 users join to a group per minute when DDOS mode is active, anyone that joins get banned and join message gets deleted, without any captcha or question, and that's where we hit the rate limits

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