Hi, who managed to download videos over 20 mb using

telegram local server?

19 ответов

13 просмотров

What exactly is the issue?

Islomiddin- Автор вопроса
Яico X
What exactly is the issue?

30mb video link to sendVideo telegram bot

30mb video link to sendVideo telegram bot

Maybe you want to write actual English sentences? Are you getting any error messages when you try to download videos larger than 20mb from the local api server?

Islomiddin- Автор вопроса
Яico X
Maybe you want to write actual English sentences? ...

{"ok":false,"error_code":400,"description":"Bad Request: failed to get HTTP URL content"}

Islomiddin- Автор вопроса
SendVideo not error

I meant what your http request was?!

Яico X
I meant what your http request was?!

I didn’t have a request, I need my bot to answer me for verification, but it doesn’t answer

I didn’t have a request, I need my bot to answer m...

That message was no reply to you. I was talking to Islomiddin.

Islomiddin- Автор вопроса
Яico X
I meant what your http request was?!



Are you able to write full English sentences?

I am not sure. But I assume that you need to download the video first and then send it to Telegram by using the sendVideo / sendFile method. From what I gather it looks like the api server in general only downloads videos from external sources with a maximum size of 20 MB - no matter if local bot api or official.

Islomiddin- Автор вопроса
Яico X
I am not sure. But I assume that you need to downl...

Yes I do. first I upload the video locally and then I try to send it to the bot. in this way. bot ('sendVideo', [ 'chat_id' => $ chat_id, 'video' => '/Users/macbookpro/Desktop/video555.mp4' ]);

Yes I do. first I upload the video locally and the...

This is what I wanted to know earlier when I asked about the http request you made.

Яico X
This is what I wanted to know earlier when I asked...

and come on, can you create a bot for me and I will tell you what name and what he will say okay)?

it is a string right? You have not uploaded the video 🧐

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