So, I decided, I will test web bots on the

telegram test environment. created an account according to the guide, then went to @botfather to respectfully ask to create a bot, to which the father of bots answered me "You have created a malicious bot that was banned on Telegram. Please note that creating abusive bots (for example, bots for spamming and interfering with communication in groups) may lead to your account being terminated.

You have been banned from creating new bots for a month.

And here's an offer you can't refuse: Once the month is over, you can either play nice and build useful bots (or no bots at all) — or be blocked on Telegram forever. "

I tried to create accounts in different data centers, but the result is 1 and the same.
How to create bots on the telegram test environment?

7 ответов

22 просмотра

Why you not using other clients to create new bots?

Kino Recovery- Автор вопроса

If telegram banned you which you can't create new bots you should ask for remove this limit or create new account and try

Kino Recovery- Автор вопроса
If telegram banned you which you can't create new ...

i created 3 new account in test env, but all without perm create bot

Kino Recovery- Автор вопроса
New account haven't limit

mmm brute? but i have 1 account with uptime >1 mouth and still can't create bot/ I think this bug in telegramm test env

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