[Ru ➜ en] What should I do if my bot is

attacked and sent to fludweight using the restriction of telegrams in 30 requests?

19 ответов

10 просмотров

Set up a queue and drop excessive requests

Use Cloudfair

Use Cloudfair

That would not help...

⁠M̶̅a̶̅p̶̅Ҟ̶̅ ²·⁰- Автор вопроса

-mark i need help with this shit

How many unique accounts are messaging you? Is it the same accounts over and over?

Better you change you @s

⁠M̶̅a̶̅p̶̅Ҟ̶̅ ²·⁰- Автор вопроса
Better you change you @s

[ru ➜ en] I have a lot of users in the bot, why I have to change the username if telegram does not want to notice and solve this problem.The problem is that there is a restriction of 30 answers per second from the bot.If you exceed, the bot receives spam."This is what the idiots use.

⁠M̶̅a̶̅p̶̅Ҟ̶̅ ²·⁰

I guess you should implement a queue system that ignores their requests after x amount over y seconds

Someone sending you fake Requests ig

Yes, that is what he has been saying.

⁠M̶̅a̶̅p̶̅Ҟ̶̅ ²·⁰- Автор вопроса
Someone sending you fake Requests ig

its a soft for use many accounts/ I too have

⁠M̶̅a̶̅p̶̅Ҟ̶̅ ²·⁰
its a soft for use many accounts/ I too have

Well, 30 req/s is limit per chat, You can answer all these unique account without hitting rate limit

⁠M̶̅a̶̅p̶̅Ҟ̶̅ ²·⁰- Автор вопроса

I put everyone in Ignor a sheet, the bot does not answer them.And still does not work

I guess you should implement a queue system that i...

so that every user can, after a certain amount of messages in a specified timeframe, not message you for a few minutes. smart.

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