This is a picture of a payment I made via

my bot to my Stripe account. Now, the stripe docs says processing fees are calculated by 2.9% + 30cents but this is actually $0.33 (to 2 dp). But it says $0.34. Does anyone know if telegram makes a charge too? I can't find anything that says it does in the docs

13 ответов

4 просмотра

It obviously rounds up to avoid losing money

elf- Автор вопроса
Paul Larsen
It obviously rounds up to avoid losing money

That's sad. Would have been cool if this was consistent. Thanks though

That's sad. Would have been cool if this was consi...

It is consistent, it rounds up to avoid monetary loss

Paul Larsen
It is consistent, it rounds up to avoid monetary l...

2.9%+30 of 100 rounded up would be 33 though

Read this part again @SonOfLars

Read this part again @SonOfLars

I assumed the 0.33 to 2dp was rounded down, because it was truncated by using dp. Hence why Stripe would round up to 0.34.

elf- Автор вопроса
the calc value is 0.329.

I don't work for stripe, i can't tell you why it's 0.34, what more do you want me to say. maybe it's floating point stuff, who knows

Paul Larsen
I don't work for stripe, i can't tell you why it's...

Then perhaps you shouldn't have chimed in in the first place if you didn't have an intelligible answer

elf- Автор вопроса
Then perhaps you shouldn't have chimed in in the f...

Quit the toxic attitude, I tried to help assuming people knew the difference between DP and SF, that was clearly a wrong assumption on my part, why do you need to be so aggressive

elf- Автор вопроса
Paul Larsen
Quit the toxic attitude, I tried to help assuming ...

Whether you tried to help or not, you failed. You either didn't understand the math, or just wanted to argue about the terminology. I'm only aggressive because you keep arguing the same things despite both options (DP/SF) not adding up correctly. You keep missing the point just to argue about terminology, which is frankly weird.

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