I have a mistake here. I don’t know why my

robot stopped working in the community, but it seems to resume operation after 24 hours. It is possible to chat with the robot privately. I don’t know why. Is it the reason for being reported? ? Or is it caused by a misunderstanding between the avatar or name used by my robot and the official one?

9 ответов

28 просмотров
老胡- Автор вопроса
老胡- Автор вопроса
ʀᷢɪͥɴᷡᴋⷦᴜͧ ᴅͩᴀⷽᴡᷱɴᷡ  ‌
Is the bot banned?

Not banned, bots are just in one or two of many communities and can't work

老胡- Автор вопроса
ʀᷢɪͥɴᷡᴋⷦᴜͧ ᴅͩᴀⷽᴡᷱɴᷡ  ‌
Is the bot banned?

This problem has troubled me for a long time, and I haven't found a solution

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