Hello guys How can make a code just work for

x seconds? And after it that (command) dom t response to me

16 ответов

16 просмотров

Second process who will sleep. When the time runs out, just turn off the program 🤔

Put a timer in the command listener and start ingnoring it when its done

Enigma- Автор вопроса
Put a timer in the command listener and start ingn...

Can you clarify this answer by giving me more information? I'm talking about a many of users where do I save time for each and how do I have to call it after the specified time like 20 days?

Can you clarify this answer by giving me more info...

You should just know programming language including async/multithreading. Do you know this?

Enigma- Автор вопроса
Oh no😔

so, you ask to write code instead of you? )

Enigma- Автор вопроса
so, you ask to write code instead of you? )

I'm still learning, thank you😄

so, you ask to write code instead of you? )

Surely you can write the project for me? 80-20 split in profit (with 80% for me for the value of the idea) once it goes to the moon 🙃


Dont know php so cant help in details, but you'll need a database where to save whitelisted users for that specific command with ending time, if end time is reached or surpassed delete the user

Enigma- Автор вопроса
Dont know php so cant help in details, but you'll ...

Seems about right yeah. If rate-limiting is the requirement, an ACL with the user ID and time of last command execution could be compared against the current time, user ID and timeout value on the next request.

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