I want to receive payments for access to a closed

category of the site as a subscription. but on the telegram website I found information: Special Note: Due to Apple's limitations, bot developers are currently not allowed to accept payments for digital goods and virtual services from iOS users. is it really so? what to do and what are the consequences?

6 ответов

14 просмотров

> really so? Yes, these are real requirements. > What to do To actually comply with these requirements, you need to ask before the payment if the user is on iOS. And then not allow it if they say yes. > Consequences I don't know a bot which does this and I have never heard of one restricted because of this. But I also don't use payment bots.

Админ- Автор вопроса
Poolitzer X
> really so? Yes, these are real requirements. > ...

this is a very strange policy on the part of apple. what difference does it make to them.

this is a very strange policy on the part of apple...

Feel free to ask them, I don't know their reasoning :D

Poolitzer X
Feel free to ask them, I don't know their reasonin...

They can't charge an additional 30% outside of appstore so they ban it

Poolitzer X
> really so? Yes, these are real requirements. > ...

> return await client.get_chat("@donate") >> {     "_": "Chat",     "id": 1189725366,     "type": "ChatType.BOT",     "is_verified": true,     "is_restricted": true,     "is_scam": false,     "is_fake": false,     "is_support": false,     "username": "donate",     "first_name": "Donate",     "photo": {         "_": "ChatPhoto",         "small_file_id": "AQADAgADUb4xGzxEMUoAEAIAA7bE6UYABPLWtag5g5orAAQeBA",         "small_photo_unique_id": "AgADUb4xGzxEMUo",         "big_file_id": "AQADAgADUb4xGzxEMUoAEAMAA7bE6UYABPLWtag5g5orAAQeBA",         "big_photo_unique_id": "AgADUb4xGzxEMUo"     },     "bio": "This bot helps content creators receive financial support from their followers directly in the app.",     "dc_id": 2,     "restrictions": [         {             "_": "Restriction",             "platform": "ios",             "reason": "appleterms",             "text": "Unfortunately, this bot couldn't be displayed on your device."         }     ] }

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