it takes about 1 second for Telegram to respond and this is too much!
When this happened, when I use the telegram bot api local endpoint, but when I use, it takes less than 100 milliseconds for telegram to respond.
Does anyone know what the problem is?
Probably your disk is so slow, how much time takes to send same message one more time?
Picture number 1: When I use a relatively long Persian text Picture number 2: When I use relatively long English text Picture number 3: When I use short Persian text And there is only a problem in long Persian texts Is there anything special that I should follow?
I don't think this is the problem But each time about 1 second
These messages allude to slow initialization time, but fast recurrences. This does hint at the disk being the culprit. Try running relevant components of your system from RAM, if you have the memory to spare and have a system that's abstracted enough to do so (e.g. an LXC container whose rootfs could be copied into RAM and booted from). Or failing that, try running a clean such system from faster storage, such as a SATA or NVMe SSD.
I use VPS X4 and it has 80 GB NVMe SSD 🤔
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