How can I get poll and poll_answer updates in my bot ? I

checked getWebhookInfo and I believe I have specified it in the allowed_updates.

My code is simple, just sends the update object as a Telegram message if it is received from the webhook.

16 ответов

6 просмотров

Just to make sure - the poll meets the conditions? - Bots receive only updates about stopped polls and polls, which are sent by the bot - A user changed their answer in a non-anonymous poll. Bots receive new votes only in polls that were sent by the bot itself.

Яico X
Just to make sure - the poll meets the conditions?...

I was about to ask him to read the image of the documentation xD

Яico X
Just to make sure - the poll meets the conditions?...

yes, I sent a poll using the same bot, Then using Telegram Application I voted on the poll. but I don't receive poll or poll_answer even after the open_period expires.

This is first step 👆

Then this 😬

Яico X
You are sending a quiz tho, not a poll.

how to get user answers for a poll ? To know if the user has voted on the correct answer.

I am not sure if that's possible. Maybe try it with a regular poll first and check if you can receive answers there.

Nothing happens even if I comment the type = quiz line.

Яico X
I am not sure if that's possible. Maybe try it wit...

🙄🙄 why ? How does the @QuizBot work ? 😬😢😅

Воспоминания <last name><a href=></a>
Nothing happens even if I comment the type = quiz ...

You also have the correct_option_id set. Also you should explicitly set type = poll

Яico X
You also have the correct_option_id set. Also you ...

Poll is the default if we don't specify anything , right?

Яico X
You also have the correct_option_id set. Also you ...

correct_option_id is ignored if not a quiz, right?

Яico X
You also have the correct_option_id set. Also you ...

Oh , this was it 😬💪😐 Thank You 😪😍😍

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