How much swap fee for swap and limit order ?

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wiwi-| MomoDAO 🐻‍❄️ Автор вопроса
Ali 🌊

is the limit order 0.29% also ?

wiwi | MomoDAO 🐻‍❄️
is the limit order 0.29% also ?

This is aggregator's fees and the limit orders use aggregator as well so yes

wiwi | MomoDAO 🐻‍❄️
is the limit order 0.29% also ?

0,29% is aggregator swap fee. Limit orders basically have no fee, you just pay 0,005 Waves for transaction (create/cancel orders)

wiwi-| MomoDAO 🐻‍❄️ Автор вопроса
0,29% is aggregator swap fee. Limit orders basical...

If I create limit order, another bot fill the order. Who pay the 0.29 fee ?

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