Good day travelers, please tell me you still don't list

tokens of time-tested and reliable teams?

6 ответов

5 просмотров

By rolling, do you mean that it is double rolled?

⁣- Автор вопроса
Pussy seller C14k14k
By rolling, do you mean that it is double rolled?

I don't understand you, please repeat the question

By rolling, do you mean that it is double rolled?

⁣- Автор вопроса
Pussy seller C14k14k
By rolling, do you mean that it is double rolled?

я не понимаю тебя переводчик переводит так цитирую ! Говоря о прокатке, вы имеете в виду, что она свернута дважды? не знаю как понять

⁣- Автор вопроса
Ali 🌊
Please use english only

I don't understand what he's asking,

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