When i send a photo using @inlinebot and other user

report this video or image as telegram policy break, then my acoount will reported or the bot will reported ?

8 ответов

29 просмотров


KK-Sumit Автор вопроса

can i del message send by inline mode i found this,https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#deletemessage but it need chat id in inline i dont it so how i can delete

KK-Sumit Автор вопроса

in inline chat id how came?

KK Sumit
in inline chat id how came?

In inline you receive callback_query . so use it

s0m31 🇷🇺
it only works for private chats tho

so he can print update and find user and get chat id

so he can print update and find user and get chat ...

chat id is just not included in inline queues

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