Hey when is the dyp account going to stop posting

on CMC v1 listings ? I can see happy new year and other messages posted on cmc v1 listing but not on cmc v2 listing. Ideally only messages from dyp account on v1 should be that of migration. Please take immediate action to stop this

4 ответов

14 просмотров

Hi. feedback has been forwarded. Thank you.

-It's been requested multiple times on CMC in the couple of weeks. Unfortunately it takes time...

Am-Boy Автор вопроса
Jubi Lee
-It's been requested multiple times on CMC in the ...

Sorry don’t understand how cmc is involved here ? Doesn’t dyp account posts on cmc - it can’t choose which listings to post messages on ? I can see 2 distinct listings and can see different messages on both from dyp and user accounts

Am Boy
Sorry don’t understand how cmc is involved here ? ...

Dypius cmc account post might being posted on DYPv1 as per cmc settings. Anyway, forwarded your feedback to the team and they`re working to update everything.

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