Does a custom pool absolutely have to have a gauge

created to be able to distribute fees to LPs? Or do LPs (and the Curve DAO) get fees even if a gauge is not present?

3 ответов

8 просмотров

CurveDAO gets fees regardless of the gauge. Could you explain a bit more about ‘custom pool’ here please?

Kevin- Автор вопроса
CurveDAO gets fees regardless of the gauge. Could...

Oh I just mean a pool created using the Curve pool factory, it is type stableswap with one token marked as ERC4626. I can see fees are taken and was wondering if the LPs automatically got those fees, or if a gauge had to be created first.

screenshot Oh I just mean a pool created using the Curve pool...

LPs automatically get fees every swap. Could you check our docs and resources tab and tell us if this information is missing to you from our documentation? resources (normie friendly): technical docs:

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