Hello, was wondering if migrating from 3pool to crvusd was the right choice ? Why not an lp containing crvusd (triCRV being a good candidate ? ) And helping ramping the liqui...
For the hardcore math boyyyys Is there a way to make a pool with a xy=k invariant (or stablepool) but instead of [0-infinity] the bounds could be arbitrary set [such as 0-1....
Regarding this tweet, how is it possible ? By going up in price, given sufficient time, being an lp should net you more crvusd and less susde and thus experiencing IL ? No ? ...
Has the curve.fi website been updated ? My settings (colors) has been reset and overall the site seems to be quicker/smoother
Hello, Based on current volume + vAPY, shouldn’t tricrypto pools be updated to have the same parameters as the tricryptousdc one ? The volume is WAY higher, as is the vAPY, lo...
Curve looks like a Gaussian, liquidity wise ? And xy=k a flat rectangle ?
Hello, are curve oracles vulnerable to flashloans attacks ?
All right ! Are these pool riskier for supplier ?
Hello, what happened on arbitrum llamalend weth (with leverage) market ?
What is the added risk of llamalend vs crvusd ? I don’t understand why some people are ready to pay much higher rates by minting crvusd vs borrowing it on llamalend
Hello, are CRV gauges in the pipe for arbitrum crvusd pools ?
The idea is that you gain efficiency but you increase the attack surface so ?
I guess it’s why he is in SL while price is way higher than the upper band of his range ?
Actually, besides otc , what option is there to take care of the bad dept ? Are there any ? Direct crv fees to pay back the dept ?
Hello, do we have data on how more efficient a curve cryptov2 is vs a regular univ2 pool ?
Hello, on arbitrum, why are the tricrypto and tricrypto-crvusd mid fee and our fee so different on the two pools ?
Hello, which smart contracts are allowed to lock crv, besides yearn convex and stakedao ?
Also, part of the route could go through another dex (univ3 perhaps ?)
Regarding bad dept, was llamalend the only one impacted ? If so, why was that ?
Nice volume on tricrypto usdc, anything changed ?