Hi @jpk1080! Suppose I have just 1 veCrv. I Locked 1

crv for 4 years.
If I want invest 100 crv in
Crveth LP with a variable apy from 9 - - > 24, I will get the 24% apy or what?
Sorry if I ask but I can't try due the eth L1 fees are too high!!
Thank you.

3 ответов

7 просмотров

Looks like it'd be closer to 9 with that amount

Tbh if you have less than high five figs not really making sense LP and lock on mainnet due to all the gas fees. Should check out other chains that Curve is on like avax or ftm or arbi

unsoindovo- Автор вопроса
Looks like it'd be closer to 9 with that amount

If so, the variable apy seems adjusted by the amount of liquidity you put in the lp and not just by the lock of the crv, 1/2/3 or 4 years... And so on... Right?

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