@Michwill In saddle.finance when i try to claim sdl tokens

- the fee i am paying is less than $10, while when i try to claim fees on curve - its around $40 .. any reason why?

4 ответов

8 просмотров

Did you actually check on chain how much it spent?

Besides claiming fees and claiming CRV is different

C$R$V- Автор вопроса
Did you actually check on chain how much it spent?

Yes, saddle its much lower, i have tried claiming the SDL airdrop for couple of times. Everytime it surprises me like how they managed to keep the gas price much lower. On curve platform everytime i try to claim veCRV fees, my heart breaks. lmao. Devs, please do something.

Yes, saddle its much lower, i have tried claiming ...

I mean you check the gas spent on etherscan after, not what metamask tells you, right?

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