Is it just me or do curve fees for crvusd

seem light? I saw that were at like 15k for 45m supply.. since we have not been at 45m for long we can cut that in half to 20m for the month if we 100x in size to 2b supply then fees are at 1.5m per month or 18m annually. Are there other considerations I'm missing? Are there other fees that are not factored in?

9 ответов

5 просмотров

Looks like ballpark of 30k or so claimed so far plus whatever is unclaimed (would need to check keepers and controller). keep in mind pegkeepers were empty and that steth market is what, less than 2 weeks old? steth market basically 3x sfrxeth so hard to get an accurate idea imo at this point on what fees will do until wsteth becomes more established, other markets are introduced, pegkeepers continue to fill, volumes pick up, etc

Looks like ballpark of 30k or so claimed so far pl...

controllers: 8.5k for wsteth and 3.6k for sfrxeth

nice. some good activity the past several days. thanks for looking ser. curvemonitor confirms

nice. some good activity the past several days. th...

35138 crvUSD (from interest) + 10754 crvUSD/xxxx LP tokens (profit from pegkeepers).. include all so far (claimed and unclaimed)

35138 crvUSD (from interest) + 10754 crvUSD/xxxx L...

nice not bad at all. little over 5 weeks so far

35138 crvUSD (from interest) + 10754 crvUSD/xxxx L...

calc_profit on the pegkeepers is the profit balance in LP tokens, right?

AC-T Автор вопроса
So 45k in fees? Does this go to ve CRV?

borrowing fees and pegkeeper fees yes

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