*Second, once you deposit one stable coin, it gets split

over the three different coins in the pool which means you now have exposure to all of them*

The above statement is from curve.fi tripool resource docs. Is that logic applicable for all pools? For example, in the sUSDe curUSD pool, if I supply crvUSD, do I also get exposure to sUSDe? What happens if sUSDe crashes all of a sudden, how does that impact lenders who have only supplied crvUSD? Will the pool 'go under' and does that mean none of the lenders withdraw their supplies?

1 ответов

35 просмотров

yes you have exposure to all tokens in the pool. if susde depegged and did not recover then it's possible that market would be left with bad debt and yes, those that provided crvusd to the llamalend market would be unable to withdraw and those LPing in the pool would be left essentially holy depegged susde

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