For a StakeDao deposit, stakedao site showed an estimated gas

cost of $4.5

After I clicked send, my wallet showed an estimated cost of $13.5

I changed the miner tip from 1 (which is the default in Trust wallet) to 0.01 and I changed Max GWEI from 3.5 to 2.0

Then estimated cost changed to $8

I clicked send and the ETH blockchain processed it in like 10 seconds..

Isnt it nearly fraudulent to charge much higher tip and gas fees on slow times when it’s totally not needed??

Is it another one of “crypto scams” which can only fixed by a government regulator???

2 ответов

39 просмотров

I never figured out if/how much we're overcharged with gas and such, any question gets the same answers like "no, it's all OK" and such. You do know of course that in Metamask at least the estimate is not what we end up paying, we usually pay around 50%. You seem to have pushed your transaction further, but do keep in mind projects like Curve are not there to "fuck around" with fees, they have to err on the expensive side and just get on with life, and if the user is too poor for this then they either have to save up, or go cheaper L2, or find pools with huge incentives that will pay back the fees

wallets always overestimate the cost btw

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