Hi guys, 1- I have a domain name without web hosting 2-

I've modified the DNS A record of my domain to point on another web hosting IP address. (maintained by an offshore dev team)

The question is:
Should I purchase an SSL certificate on my domain side, or the dev team have to use it on their IP where the web hosting is located? in another meaning when typing my domain name address it will redirect to the other web hosting IP but what about the SSL? which side should the SSL certificate be used in this situation (domain without web hosting / IP with web hosting)?

1 ответов

16 просмотров

Yes, a certificate must contain your domain name as a subject (CN or SAN). In other cases you will got an error: 'SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN' of something like that. [Cpt. Obvious mode on] An SSL certificate certifies that the site you visit is exactly the site you want to visit when type the site name in the address bar of your browser. And site name (DNS A-record for webserver and default site or CNAME for any other sites on that server) should be included in certificate fields. And, certainly, the certificate and private key for it should be installed on the web hosting. In other words, the web server should be configured to use your cert - and private key of the cert. [/Cpt. Obvious mode off]

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