Is main a file ?
What means the sentence : to create class dynamically ?
What is the difference between implementation and default implementation?
What is "test suits"in python?
Whe he says cpython is an implementation of python in c .it means that c language takes python code and converts it to bytecode?
Is abstract syntax tree a program?
What is testing framework?
What is the difference between project , application and module ?
But compilation gives as a result bytecode that can be read by assember , or not?
str() vs repr() in Python?
So expressions test suites and unittest means the same ?
Что означает yield seq?
Have i understood right , that cpython is a name of a compiler that is written in C language ?
Have i understood right,that revert commit just deletes all the changes of particular commit?
could smone explain how he adds lexer.make token() into two variables?
I ve got a question does compilation result the assembly code ?
To call the code means to execute the code?
Hello,what "locks in threading" means ?
What can eval() function be useful for?
Рутрекер это книга?