A strange thing is happening with me in mongodb i have created a schema name person but when ever i am inserting a record for first time in compass its name is set as people i...
function Option(props){ const { data, innerRef, innerProps } = props; const [allCheck, setAllCheck] = useState(true); return !data.custom ? ( data.value==='*' && dat...
if (getMemberRes && getMemberRes.length) { members = getMemberRes.reduce((acc, item) => { let obj = { name: item.na...
Linux tutorial anyone???
Tell me html is string Dom is parsed html then what is virtual dom?
There are the following two pieces of code, the results of execution are the same, but what is the difference between the two pieces of code? var scope = "global scope"; func...
ask me a tough js question like for interview?
async function transfer(senderId,receiverId,payment){ let SenderAmount= await pool.query('select balance from Account where id=?',[senderId]); let receiverAmount=await ...
getStores(search,page=1) { let params = {}; search ? (params.q = search) : (params = {}); params.page_no: page, params.page_size: 12, this.isLo...
is Erlang good ?? or haskel??
how correct is this?
getProducts(slug) { if (!slug) return; let result; return this.$apiSDK.catalog .getCollectionItemsBySlug({ slug: slug, image_siz...
Why react invented setState they could change state directly ? Or right react lib code for doing direct manipulations
so should i keep my master and 2 replica each on separate ec2?
this.items = res?.items.reduce((acc,_val)=>{ debugger; console.log(_val); this.context.favourite_ids.length>0 && this.context.favourite_ids...
now i make changes in html may be reder is issue {props.dataLoading?(<div></div>):(<div> {props.data && !props.dataLoading && props.data.map((val)=>{ return(...
how to make a fake user-agent detetion?
console.log i get [Function:webSocketServer] i want to see what inside this function how can i?
how do i write @click=" product.follow ? null : $emit('added-wishlist', getSuccessMessage()); productData.updateWishList($event, product); "
Like i made a docker container for each now what?