Hey guys, I want to delay sendTwitterVideo without blocking bot.sendVideo?
Making it private does not help?
Hey, is there any way I can get paypal if paylal does not officially work in my country? Is there non illegal way?
Hey, what's a good db design for creating following/followers relationship between users? My current setup is that I have followers and following arrays for each user which, I...
Hey, I am making a chat app with threads. But I don't know how to generate ids for threads so that I don't have duplicates with same people in thread. Right now, I take two th...
Hey, trivial question. Which one is better way to stop the function?
I have question related to socket.io. How would I initialize a group chat with selected users? I am using rooms and don't know how to connect selected users to the initialized...
У меня такая ошибка. Можете помочь?
How can ignore the colon from the match group?
Hey guys, what is tokio? Is it like node for javascript?
What do you guys think about this? Is this a good way to do it?
If I move sendTwitterVideo outside of sendVideo, will that work with setTimeout?
Can I have multiple bundles without duplication and use them in any html page?
Refresh token is also long lived, what if it gets compromised?
Anything you might be doing thats blocking the initial load?
Is that supposed to be an arrow function that takes in props?
Where can I learn about this stuff? How to do it properly
What's wrong with it? I very much struggled with auth 😅
Hey guys, will I store refresh token in database?