No welcome message for me 😔 BTW If i learn HTML , CSS , BOOTSTRAP , PHP , MYSQL then will i become full stack dev ?
I'm making a gym website Using bootstrap and php , mysql What should be in navbar Home , about , service , contact, signup, login , admin Is it good ?
After completion of my php advance Whst should i learn ? Laravel or CodeIgniter ? I wanna earn too much money 😁
Is count(); And sizeof(); Same ?
<td><a href='edit.php?up_id=<?php echo $data2['id']; ?>' target="_blank">Update</a></td>
I've started learning php If i insert my php code in html file should be saved with .html or .php ?
So guyz Can we make frontend and backend both with wordpress ? Can we make a complete website with code igniter From frontend to backend ?
For learning core php to advanced php do i need to learn core java ?
Login system is going over my head Unable perform update through php mysql What should i do ?
Help me then please ?