Hello guys, can someone explain how getString(int) works? I mean from where does it fetch the values?
Anyone have any idea how can i extract specific columns of a table from backup file without importing it? The backup size is huge so it takes much time to import and then extr...
can you var_dump(isset($_POST['btn-update'])) before the if condition and check if its entering the if statement?
can you try placing session_start(); at the beginning of this file?
place the <?php tag on the first line
Does it need any proxy?
Hey guys, anybody has used Python.Included ?
So you have an arbitrary array and you want it to remain same for specific user?
CURDATE() already returns string so can you try removing those commas?
everything needs to be removed before <?php session_start();
Which one do you need? Maybe i can ask in my group
Why do you think anything is wrong here?
Anyone building php applications on linux?
So what error are you facing?
What's your database collation?
socket extension enabled?
That is for vue js only?
where did you placed it?
Can you please try this?
still same error?