If all bots shared file_id's, then what's to stop someone from making a bot, and (slowly, true) iterating through all possible ids and stealing your files? Telegram is based ...
Is this for a classroom assignment, assigned by your teacher?
I'm curious how one advertises bot programming help in their bio, yet asks basic questions. I can change the alternator on my car, should I advertise myself as a mechanic?
the... same way you would with any other bot?
What is an array?
what library are you using?
can you dump $this->GetButtonsByPageID(0) to console or something?
OH. You mean your bot has to receive the file, to get it's own file_id, because you can't use my bots file_id, LIKE I SAID?
If you just Google "ef sqlite", you'd find your answer.... https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/get-started/overview/first-app?tabs=netcore-cli
What do you mean from API, not from database? An API is an interface, many times used to alter a database...
I'm sure I'm totally missing something, but why would a state machine library be named stateless?
Just checking, but is userid related to Telegram ID? Because if so, int is not a good plan
What is the application? Just some forms with a db behind them?
Your ResponseType and return type don't match?
so option 2?
@viferga would you please review?
is it not available?