Всем хай. Библиотека warp. Пытаюсь сделать так, чтобы сервер возвращал строку, но раст ругается на то, что заимствованный String живёт короче &str. Как это фиксить?( код: htt...
You wanna chech if specific file on USB with specific serial number is plugged?
то есть чтобы посчитать, сколько ноликов печатать после точки и перед fraction_part?
You tried to write algorithm? Like: Select a random word -> Show selected word's theme and amount of characters -> Read a character -> ...
So according to declaration: Keys are Strings Values are HashMap You said you want: Keys are ? (unknown) Values are String and HashMap
Why this doesn't compile?
Or.. you want BOTH string and HashMap in value or you want EITHER string or HashMap?
You need to refactor code in comments into one statement?
have you tried debugger or System.out.println()-ing position?
Maybe put it in pom.xml, not in other file?
Have you even tried to google it?
Can you explain your goal in other words?
You're learning with a book?
Wdym by column?