Can you stake or farm pulsex or pulse token? Are they inflationary tokens , if yes how much Inflation per year? @admin
Hey, can anyone tell how much LP's get for providing Liquidity for curveusd pools?
Hello gentleman, can anyone tell how the curve protocol or its users aka crvusd holders earn money when holding crvusd. Or are they earning money at all?
@PulseChad @Benzenoid can you guys tell why hex dumped that much? And if ehex and phex are the same coin? One on eth the other one on pulsechain?
Are hex and phex 2 different indepent coins? One on pulsechain and other on eth?
Hey guys can anyone tell how many lines of Code Ethereum has?
Is there a pulse chain coin on eth or bnb chain? I don't want to buy on pulsechain
What is the inflation of hex?
Which hex to buy then?
Hey guys is there a fixed supply on hex coins?