Hi guys! I have two bots: A & B I have file_id's from bot A in my database, and i have to use this photo in B bot. So i use getFile method and receive file_path. link with ...
So. Does anoyone work with userbots? I don't need to receive messages, i just need to send some commands, as create chat / send reaction And i'm using PHP hosting. Does anyo...
Hi! Did anyone have the problem with opening web-apps on Android by menu button? Error: webpage is not available net::err_cleartext_not_permitted besides, the error shows h...
Hi, guys! Where i can find telegram image's link expire date?
Hi guys! Where are situated telegram servers? I think it can change ping time. Now Ukrainie-based servers are responding very long. But Belarus - much better. Which country...
Hi guys. Which symbol could help me to send empty button? (I'm making calendar and there will be empty cells)
Hi guys. Can i send png as sticker? With transparent background
Is there in telegram buttons limit?
Hi. Can i upload photo threw sendDocument, get file_id and than use it in sendPhoto?
Hi guys. Does all chats has negative chat_id?