System.IO.Compression.FileSystem has a reference to version of System.IO.Compression, which I cannot find in the GAC, only How does that work?
Does anyone know applications built using .NET, other than ShareX,, ilspy, dnspy?
new java/lang/StringBuffer dup invokespecial java/lang/StringBuffer/<init>()V ldc "test" invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuffer/append(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer...
Anyone knows a good way to prerender a JavaScript website to HTML (static website)? I am currently using react-snap but it hasn't been updated since 2019.
Hey, I made a library, but consumers would need to add recyclerview and flexbox dependencies too, how would I solve this?
Not really related to C#, but does anybody know where to find ef 4.3.1 docs?
Hey, RippleDrawable is only supported starting with API 21 right?
To know what kind of error has been thrown...?
How is that a string?