Hey guys, I'm trying to write some multithreaded code which mostly looks like this: Thread 1: Populates a list: LIST.extend(new_items_to_be_processed) Thread 2: Consumes the l...
@AparanoidArtist is right. What you're doing is deleting the odd indexed elements only the "length" number of times. Not until the list is as small as you need. Also, iteratin...
Maybe use the first two elements then? It doesn't make sense to talk about second smallest in a collection on one anyway.
Is there an actual shortage of free Python learning material these days? I never spent a penny to learn Python in my career
Aren't those for financial data and uses data? There are other kinds of sensitive data in the world as well. I don't know how you're getting to "encrypt" from "appropriate"....
Do you mean regular expressions? They are used for pattern matching. Have you come across anything in re that would let you generate the required output?
Why do you have 8000 variables in a single namespace anyway? Also, without using vars(), you can just declare the string as "{MyVariable.NAME1}", etc.
I'm trying to use KIND here. After following their tutorial, I have a k8s with just one control plane master node. Don't I need at least one worker node to actually run pods ...
Are you saying that you're saving state on the filesystem on heroku? You should use a database. Heroku dynos are supposed to be stateless.
Is there a mathematical solution to it rather than plain iteration?
That actually worked? (I wouldn't have thought so)
You probably need to give up on vscode. Why do you have more than one instance running anyway?
Are you just learning DSA? If so, agonizing over the language choice is the wrong problem. Just follow CLRS or Wikipedia
Do you care whether they are None or empty?
What are you having trouble with? You probably should state the relevant parts of the question here.
Hi! In systemd, is there a way to know if one unit is being required by some other unit? I need to know if rpc-gssd or nfs-secure would be activated by some other service.
Are you familiar with slicing?
Do you have shell access? Can you check how a shell is behaving? Also, check the CPU utilization of whatever machine your database is running on.
Well, you probably can use empty strings instead of None. Why would you're input accept None in string fields anyway?
Huh. No way to know that by looking at the configuration?