Wintermute hacked for more then 160 millions of dollars! Attackers address: 0xe74b28c2eAe8679e3cCc3a94d5d0dE83CCB84705 Hacker already put over $80m of usdt and usdc in cur...
you want a token sales contract where user can purchase your token with either BUSD or BNB right or you want to list your token on a DEX where user can purchase it there ?
what are you trying to check for before the error ?
codes money you mean. Is that a syntax or what ?
he ask for you passport and you assume he is a Nigerian why not block him if you not convinient ?
is it opening on remixd ? if yes then you can extract the code by copying it then either open a txt file paste and save as .sol
gas limit ?
can you send your lines of code ?